Jonathan Dave

Broad Category
Services, therapies, and modalities
Music / arts / performance health, Dance medicine and healthcare, Exercise, LMT Laryngeal Manual Therapy / Vocal Massage, Singers and professional voice users, Technique / ergonomics / posture / instruments / props / equipment
Regions Covered
London, Central London, West London
Westminster, London
Physiotherapy BSc - 2006-2006, Sport and Exercise Science BSc - 2003-2006, Laryngeal Massage Therapist (April 2022), Acupuncturist (AACP 80 hour Foundation Acupuncture course - 2012),(AACP CPD 2 Day Refresher Course - 2023), Pilates Instructor - Mat Based (2011)
Registration, insurance and DBS checks
Current professional registration, insurance and DBS confirmed
Information (Note: telephone numbers are available via BAPAM helpline)

Jonathan Dave is a senior physiotherapist with over 13 years experience. He graduated from Manchester University and began his career in the NHS, working in Outpatients, orthopaedics, stroke unit, intensive care, respiratory wards and most recently in a private North London practice.

Jonathan has worked with a range of professionals, including tennis coaches, cyclists, distance runners, classical singers, actors and dancers. "My aim when rehabilitating these clients is to return them safely to their sport and their profession to prevent the re-occurrence of their problem".

Jonathan's specialty is MSK physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal). He has spent the last 10 years treating a wide range of muscle and joint conditions and he employs a variety of advanced clinical assessment and diagnosis methods. He specialises in various physiotherapy techniques, namely Maitlands, joint manipulation, soft tissue techniques, muscle stretching, pilates, acupuncture and sports massage.

As a Laryngeal Massage Therapist, Jonathan is able to identify and treat any areas of restriction affecting vocal performance. He has worked with numerous classical singers and vocal ensembles. Using non-invasive techniques, he works to address the areas of concern and ensure faults are corrected in a safe and supportive way.

Jonathan can help with overuse injuries and stress fractures, muscle tears, tendon and ligament sprains, knee, ankle and foot injuries, shoulder injuries, tennis/golfer elbow, hand and wrist pain. He can also help with Laryngeal Manual Therapy (LMT) - partial or total voice loss, loss of vocal range, muscle tension dysphonia, decreased vocal stamina and vocal fatigue, increased recovery time after performing, TMJ, globus pharyngeus, pain and soreness. Jonathan offers services in manual therapy, acupuncture, kinesiology taping, exercise rehabilitation and laryngeal manual therapy.