Cathie Kidger

Broad Category
Services, therapies, and modalities
Music / arts / performance health, Teaching / coaching / education, Technique / ergonomics / posture / instruments / props / equipment
Regions Covered
South East
Thame, Oxfordshire
Registration, insurance and DBS checks
Current professional registration, insurance and DBS confirmed
Information (Note: telephone numbers are available via BAPAM helpline)

Cathie first had Alexander Technique lessons whilst studying for a diploma in musical directing at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA). She found them extremely interesting and beneficial, and after developing R.S.I. through using a computer and playing the piano, she decided to re-train as an A.T. teacher to learn more about what was causing these issues and to eventually help others. She qualified in 2008 from a three year, STAT recognised training course at the Constructive Teaching Centre in London.

Cathie has a music degree, worked as a piano teacher and has played several instruments including the violin, flute and harp. She was Alexander Technique teacher for the European Union Youth Orchestra for five years and she now works with musicians, singers and creative practitioners in schools and colleges and at home.