Hannah Dsouza, a Manchester based specialist physiotherapist who is currently researching for an MSc in Advanced Physiotherapy at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) is looking for UK based music conservatoire students to participate in her project, The experiences of music students through COVID-19 and its impact on their health and wellbeing.

Instrumental musicians who are currently 2nd to 4th year conservatoire students in the UK are invited to join the study. You will need to be able use the online platform, Microsoft Teams, to join a focus group estimated to last 40-60 minutes. To take part, please contact Hannah Dsouza directly at hannah.i.dsouza@stu.mmu.ac.uk.

All answers and results from the research are kept strictly confidential and the results will be reported in a research paper available to all participants on completion.

This project has ethical approval from MMU.