Kate Valentine

Services, therapies, and modalities
Music / arts / performance health, LMT Laryngeal Manual Therapy / Vocal Massage, Singers and professional voice users, Technique / ergonomics / posture / instruments / props / equipment
Regions Covered
London, Central London, Scotland, South East
Glasgow, Seaford, London
Active IQ Level 3 Diploma in Sports Massage Therapy 2018; Certificate in Vocal Health First Aid 2020; Certificate in Advance Vocal Anatomy and Vocal Health Theory 2019; Certificate in Vocal Massage & Manual therapy 2019; Certificate in Laryngeal Manipulation 2019; Certificate in Voice Release Massage 2018; FHT
Registration, insurance and DBS checks
Current professional registration, insurance and DBS confirmed
Information (Note: telephone numbers are available via BAPAM helpline)

Kate Valentine is a Sports Massage Therapist who works extensively with singers and professional voice users, specialising in vocal massage, laryngeal manual therapy, vocal health, and injury prevention. Whilst enjoying a successful career as a principal artist on the international operatic stage Kate sustained a vocal injury which defined her career and sparked her fascination with vocal health, rehabilitation, and the long-term benefits of manual therapy for voice.

Kate runs her own practice in Seaford, East Sussex and manages a busy client list including English National Opera, the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Scottish Opera, Glyndebourne Festival Opera, and The Dunedin Consort. She also works with two multidisciplinary teams: the Voice Care Centre (London) and Clyde Consulting Rooms (Glasgow).

Kate is a passionate ambassador for vocal health. "It is my mission to help remove the mystery and stigma surrounding vocal wellbeing and injury, and to provide a safe space to help you with your journey – whichever part of that journey you are on".

Kate offers services in Vocal Massage, Manual Therapy for Voice & Swallowing disorders, Laryngeal Manipulation, Myofascial Therapy, VoiceRelease Massage and Sports Massage Therapy. She can help with issues relating to relieving postoperative and post viral tension, globus pharyngeus/globus hystericus (a sense of a ‘lump’ in the throat), muscle tension dysphonia, improving vocal function, alleviating acid reflux symptoms, releasing emotional tension, improving vocal stamina, range and flexibility, freeing up the breathing mechanism, jaw and tongue root tension, releasing muscles which have been overcompensating, performance anxiety, vocal pacing, vocal health advice and injury prevention.