Ms Katherine Butler

Broad Category
Services, therapies, and modalities
Music / arts / performance health, Focal dystonia management, Splints / Splinting, Technique / ergonomics / posture / instruments / props / equipment
Regions Covered
London, Central London
London, Westminster
BAp(Sc)OT AHT (BAHT) AMusA (Flute)
Registration, insurance and DBS checks
Current professional registration, insurance and DBS confirmed
Information (Note: telephone numbers are available via BAPAM helpline)

Specialist treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of musicians' hand and upper limb injuries. Katherine's clinical experience has focused on plastic and orthopaedic surgery patients with hand and upper limb injuries, burns, and rheumatological conditions. She has lectured and published widely, established two hand therapy units, worked as a research therapist and is currently performing doctoral research in the area of Focal Hand Dystonia affecting musicians. Having completed her Associate Music Diploma in Flute performance in 1997, Katherine enjoys combining her love for music and knowledge of the hand and upper limb. She has invaluable insight into life and the related pressures of being a musician.