British Association for PERFORMING Arts Medicine

Clinical Leadership and Support in the Performing Arts Sector


BAPAM is a vital part of the uk creative industry’s infrastructure


Improving Arts Health

We know that 75% of performers will have a performance-related health problem. The reasons behind this are complex, caused by a range of factors including the physical and mental effort required to perform, the financial uncertainty of the industry and  the performance environment. The diagram below illustrates how these factors combine to produce a health problem, which will have a poorer outcome if the right care is not accessed quickly.

Responsibility for improving the health of performers lies with individual performers, educational institutions and the wider industry working together to address the risks, and BAPAM, as the largest provider of performing arts medicine in the UK, is pleased to be part of the performing arts community effort to address the problem. Bringing together clinical leaders in this area, we provide advice as well as care for the sector and work closely with the academic community to further understanding of health needs and how to address them. 

We work with some of the most forward thinking organisations in the creative industries. If you are as passionate as we are about improving the health of workers in the arts, get in touch and let’s explore what we can achieve together.

Best practice 

Health Guidance for the Performing Arts Sector

Mental Health and Wellbeing Services for Performing Artists: Guidance for the Performing Arts Sector

Hearing Conservation Guidance for the Performing Arts

Vocal Health Clinical Pathway and Referral Recommendations

Educators Code of Practice

Professional standards for educators working with clinical practitioners (includes Vocal Rehabilitation Coaches)

Clinical Governance Toolkit

Guidance for practitioners and organisations who wish to ensure quality of clinical services and safeguard high standards of care


Drop us a line

BAPAM is a Registered Charity No. 1167785
Contact us:

London Office

British Association for Performing Arts Medicine
63 Mansell Street, London, E1 8AN